Don't Hide

If you're down in the dumps we'll lend a hand.
You can rely on us we'll take command.

You won with all the glory, you stood right by our side.
You don't need a place to hide.

Don't hide, we're on your side, we'll stand by your side.
So don't hide.

Just stand right by my side you'll learn to fight.
Well alrite.
Just lift your head up high you have the right.

No escondas

Si estás en los vertederos, te echaremos una mano
Puedes confiar en nosotros tomaremos el mando

Ganaste con toda la gloria, estuviste a nuestro lado
No necesitas un lugar donde esconderte

No te escondas, estamos de tu lado, estaremos a tu lado
Así que no te escondas

Sólo quédate a mi lado y aprenderás a pelear
Bueno, alrite
Levanta la cabeza en alto, tienes el derecho

Composição: Dean Davidson