Millions of people in the last 6 months, just recently discovered you only live once
She took hers off, rip yours off
Now dance on the stage till your wig falls off
Ignore the consequences at all costs
Convince yourself this isn't your loss
Last time I said YOLO, my chain swung from the left to the right
And I still can't remember the rest of the night
It's not even a comic, it's a par
Nathan I'm sorry for the vomit in your car
But you know bro, YOLO

It's an inefficient reminder that inhibitions are minor
Release is a must like a proper safe account
'Cause life's like a calculator and a shotter's amount of paper
At the end of the day, you gotta make it count
So I live for the moment
Reassess what I'm prepared to give to the moment
Allow my focus to shift to the moment
Symbolized in this drink that I live to the gift of the moment
Means I'm less likely not to share a detail
But increase the times I forgot to wear a seatbelt
See girls, we males, we could toast to good health, but we toast to getting [?]
So we can say that we're young and we're supposed to get it wrong
That's why we get lean as opposed to getting strong
Then go to the gym and work on our upper body strength
But we hardly go on treads 'cause that's cardio and legs
See we're short-sighted, we don't know what foresight is
That's the reason why we laugh wholeheartedly
And why I don't respect you if you can't go kart with me
Nah, don't start with me, you fool
You blaze a fag, but since when have you been too cool for laser tag
So you work in an office and your day's a drag
'Cause, On the way to the station just race a jag
The wipe the sweat from you face and brag
About your new-found Jason Statham swag
That's called YOLO

But I could lose a brother that fell out with me
And that would bother the hell of out me
So I'm tearing and calling him up in the prison
Hearing him falling in love with the vision
Of when he's here and we can ball in another division
And you hear from me that all of the brothers have risen
I'm repeating myself, no, I keep repeating myself
All my poems are starting to sound the same
But it's cool, as long as my heart isn't down the drain
I wouldn't even mind getting martyred without the fame
'Cause you only live once, you gotta make it count

As much as its a reason to go mad in the rave
I'm so glad it's a wave, 'cause this one makes sense
It's just used to justify a lot of dumb statements
I could live my life like a music video
But those after effects do stick with me so
If I use YOLO to help me to sin
Then why wouldn't I use it to help people win
Especially those with unhealthy beginnings
Plus, if that's the case, you can't tell me a thing
I might as well be a king
'Cause I can get wasted and buzz about for days
But that says more about me than it does about the phrase
And this is something everyone doesn't like to say
But breathing is a luxury and I could die today
But I would like some change, like a shopkeeper
So I can't ignore the fact that life's a lot deeper
Some stuff isn't worth the bull
'Cause some of that dumb stuff's irreversible

This isn't personal, but I tell myself don't go too crazy
'Cause YOLO could leave you with a whole new baby
Or if not, the prospect of terminating one
We find germinating fun, but learning ain't the one
And some of those STIs can burn and they can bun
And if I am very loose and you see me with the pills and the cranberry juice
You'd be looking at me like I'm actually scum
The point is YOLO doesn't have to be dumb
There's no doubt in my brain that you can change the world
I'd go out of my way to prove that they can tell
But if the stake's too high, you gotta take it down
I said if the stake's too high you gotta take it down
'Cause you only live once, you gotta make it count
