Your Turn

You said you liked me but when you met her
She was perfectly sweet and you liked her better
She was all that and you let us know it
But she's holding something back and she's gonna blow it

It's not gonna be fair, i really don't care
What happens to you

Your turn you don't know what's coming
Gonna find out what i went through
My turn to watch you fall apart
You fond someone just like you

You've gona way too far and your in too deep
Thinking you're a star don't know how you sleep
You better get ready better run for the door
She's not your average sort she's a carnivore

She started looking at you, like you used to do
Now you can be me..

Your turn you don't know what's coming
Gonna find out what i went through
My turn i just can't help it
Finding it hard not to be amused
Your turn to get what's comin
It's time for you to learn to lose
My turn to watch you fall apart
You found someone just like you

Tu turno

Dijiste que te gustaba, pero cuando la conociste
Ella era perfectamente dulce y te gustaba más
Ella era todo eso y nos lo hiciste saber
Pero ella está ocultando algo y lo va a arruinar

No va a ser justo, no me importa
¿Qué te pasa?

Tu turno no sabes lo que viene
Voy a averiguar por lo que he pasado
Mi turno para verte desmoronarte
Aprecias a alguien como tú

Te has ido demasiado lejos y te has metido demasiado profundo
Pensar que eres una estrella no sabes cómo duermes
Será mejor que te prepares mejor que corras hacia la puerta
No es de tu tipo normal, es una carnívora

Empezó a mirarte, como solías hacer
Ahora puedes ser yo

Tu turno no sabes lo que viene
Voy a averiguar por lo que he pasado
Mi turno no puedo evitarlo
Encontrar difícil no ser divertido
Tu turno para obtener lo que viene
Es hora de que aprendas a perder
Mi turno para verte desmoronarte
Encontraste a alguien como tú
