My Castle, Your Castle

Don't think that it's unnoticed, this sudden leave of absence.
It's like everyone, left and forgot, to tell me where, they were going
Or maybe they're not part of the plan, or i'm just not in theirs,
Or maybe they're at austin's house.
Oh and by the way, who do you think you are?
You are fucking joke.
Our friends are always changing, don't think that it's unnoticed,
But when it all feels right they decide to fuck us over, fuck me over.

Mi castillo, tu castillo

No creas que pasa desapercibido, esta repentina ausencia
Es como si todos se fueran y se olvidaron, para decirme a dónde, iban a ir
O tal vez no forman parte del plan, o simplemente no estoy en el suyo
O tal vez están en casa de Austin
Ah, y por cierto, ¿quién te crees que eres?
Eres una maldita broma
Nuestros amigos siempre están cambiando, no pienses que pasa desapercibido
Pero cuando todo se siente bien, deciden jodernos, joderme
