Since the day that you were born
I new that i would see my life was going to change.
I held you in my arms i wept with tears of joy and i praised his name.
As i see you grow each and everyday before my eyes through these first years.
I see the faith of miracles in you.

These are the times
I’ll always remember with you.
These are the days of joys and laughter we share.

When i look into your eyes the visions that i see of when i was a child,
Brings back the memories of running wild and free,
Searching for my dreams.
Through these changing times that were living in
I must be strong and teach the righteous way,
So we can live forever in his name, amen.

These are the times......

You are my everything.
The beauties that you bring so heavenly,
When you were born i was born again now
I kneel and pray in his name alleluyah.
I never thought i’d ever see the day.
When my child was born, when my child was born.
The day my child was born alleluyah. i was born again.

These are the times......
