Love Like a Drummer

Sometimes, i must warn you,
When i'm watching the news
And there's been some car crash
It makes me think of you.

You're not part of my problems,
You're not late anymore,
You're not looking for answers
I should've given you before.

I am through with my sweetheart;
Close the schools, ring the bells.
I loved her like a drummer
Would have loved a bassgirl.

Be with her all the fortunes,
Treat her well oh my god,
Do as you please
But don't ever send her back
Don't send her back,
Send her back.

Sometimes, i must tell you,
When i'm watching the news
And there's been some car crash
It makes me think of you.

Amor como un baterista

A veces, debo advertirte
Cuando estoy viendo las noticias
Y ha habido un accidente de coche
Me hace pensar en ti

No eres parte de mis problemas
Ya no llegas tarde
No estás buscando respuestas
Debí haberte dado antes

He terminado con mi amor
Cierren las escuelas, toquen las campanas
La amaba como a un baterista
Hubiera querido una bajista

Estar con ella todas las fortunas
Trátala bien, oh Dios mío
Haz lo que quieras
Pero nunca la envíes de vuelta
No la envíes de regreso
Envíala de vuelta

A veces, debo decirte
Cuando estoy viendo las noticias
Y ha habido un accidente de coche
Me hace pensar en ti
