I have awaited you three
Watched and mourned as you've travelled across my land
With decimation and barbaric cruelty
Yet, I am captivated by you, Rōnin; for someone filled with tumultuous thoughts
You have managed to stay alive
You have kept them from a fate bleaker than death, commendable
But the time has come to pay, and it is I who shall be rewarded by your demise
I've come for blood, blood, blood
Oh shut the fuck up

Hallowed be thy name
Stop talking like a cunt, how does thy blade taste?

I said I'd never go back
But I guess I'm used to being pushed to the point where I fucking snap
Step back, empty the mag
Fuck the 'shoot to kill'
I go for the kneecaps
Done playing advocate
I tell you I'm hating it
The disdain I feel? You're feeling it
Shoot the messenger, I'll fucking shoot back
And drag your head to the curb; teeth smashed like glass

You ever felt a chainsword cut through
You like a pig against a blade?
Well, feel the pain
Die motherfucker, die

Hallowed be thy name

Bite down, hold your tongue, take two steps back
Know your fucking place, you fucking rat
I find pleasure in this, scratch the itch
Addicted to gutting you like a Fucking pig
Comin' for your spine, locked on like Predator
Bull in a China shop, call that Berzerker
Rain down fire, God like in power
Crows'll peck at your corpse, call that a murder

I have stared upon the face of humanity
I have deemed you all deserve to fucking rot

Swallowed up by the abyssal dark

I emerge from the void to tear the shadows apart
Your problems aren't mine, I don't care for yours
Comin' with the chainblade, 12 gauge, going for the rib cage
Call yourself a king, I'm coming for the crown, let's go

Despite being down and out
You can't seem to quite fucking get it
Dragged my balls through glass, pent up
Emotions so you can fucking feel it
Deep breath as the knife goes in, and twist
Masochistic ritualist
You call yourself a God, a king
Well you can call me 'behemoth'

Drop in, I'm killin' ya
Blurring' the line between hero and villain, division ya
Call it attrition, but I am the God, the religion of runnin' and gunnin' ya
If death made riches, I'd be a motherfuckin' killionaire
Take out stocks in body bags 'cause when I'm done you'll be alone

I'll rip him off his throne
Tear down his kingdom, his throne of souls
Hell's tyranny is overthrown
Through the worst pain he's ever known
He's ever, he's ever, he's ever known

Comin' back, unloadin' with the AK
Poppin' off like New Years; all spray
When you die I'ma grab the best play
Conquered this, now we're movin'; eave-lay

The devil's heart is mine to keep
I'll leave this hell in disharmony
The devil's heart is mine to keep
Here comes the pain
Die motherfucker die

Die motherfucker die

Hallowed be thy name
Hallowed be thy name

With the last token required for your journey home obtained, it is time to commence the ritual to take you between worlds
Show us what to do
Fuck, Rōnin, your work isn't done yet
You're the angel, hold off Hell's forces while the Queen and I work
We're going to be cutting it close
Alright three, you know your roles
